I wanted to take a moment to recognize something wonderful. I think we can spend so much time in our lives worrying, being sad, ungrateful, or just plain ol' lost. So, I decided to surround myself with love. Around my work area at home, I covered the walls with things that just filled me with love. It also has a certain feeling of gratitude, peppered with a strong sense of blissful nostalgia. I live a beautiful, fortunate and colorful life, and I feel like this space reflects those feelings. Everyday, I look at these images to remind myself of my goals, my support system, past memories and future inspiration. I think it is important for every artist to have an inspirational space such as this. It really refocuses you and establishes an energy that you want to create in. Your creative space is very important, so really take the time to make it everything you want and more. Thanks for reading.
Love and Light,
Sarah Anne.